Useful Thing: There is a Small Hole at the Bottom of Your Phone, What is the Use, Know Here

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Tiny Hole At Smartphone Bottom: Do you know what this hole works for or what is it used for? Maybe you didn’t know about it. Because we never pay attention to it. In such a situation, today we are telling you about this hole.

Tiny Hole at bottom of smartphone

Perhaps you will know everything about your smartphone, but what we are telling you today is hardly known to you. It is easy to get information about the features and ports in the phone, but have you ever seen that there is a small hole at the bottom of the phone equal to the charging port? Do you know what this hole does or what is it used for? Maybe you didn’t know about it. Because we never pay attention to it. In such a situation, today we are telling you about this hole. This is very important for any phone. So let’s know how the hole given below the smartphone is useful.

There is a small hole at the bottom of the smartphone: The small hole under the charging port is the noise cancellation microphone. Yes, you heard it right. We also tell you how this microphone works. This microphone is activated whenever you call someone. After it is activated, there is no problem in going to the other side of your voice. You can easily convey your voice to the other side.

Whenever we are in a place where there is a lot of noise and we have to make an urgent call to someone then we get in trouble. But this small hole removes your problem. This hole is always given on the bottom side of a smartphone, equal to the charging port. The way your friends do not know about this, in the same way that you do not know about it, then you must share this information with them too.

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2 thoughts on “Useful Thing: There is a Small Hole at the Bottom of Your Phone, What is the Use, Know Here”

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.


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